
王强 副教授




[1] 纳米材料在环境污染物修复的应用

[2] 环境中纳米材料的环境归趋与生态风险评估

[3] 纳米材料在环境污染物检测的应用


2015.01-2017.12 国家自然科学基金项目“水环境中金属基纳米材料的污染特征研究”,主持。

2013.07-2015.12 国家自然科学基金项目“饮用水中异嗅化合物的检测与形成机制研究”,参与。

2007.12-2009.12 国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金项目“海洋沉积物中磷化氢的迁移转化及其对水体富营养化的影响”,主持。

2007.07-2009.05 中国极地科学战略基金项目“磷化氢在北极的分布特征及其产生机制研究”,主持。


[1] Lei Li , Qiang Wang,* Yuan Yang,* Li Luo, Ru Ding, Zhaoguang Yang, Haipu Li. Extraction Method Development for Quantitative Detection of Silver Nanoparticles in Environmental Soils and Sediments by Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2019,

[2] Wang Qiang, Li Lei, Yang Yuan*, Yang Zhaoguang*, Li haipu, Zhou Yaoyu. Activation of Persulfate with Dual-doped Reduced Graphene Oxide for Degradation of Alkylphenols [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,

[3] Ru Ding, Li Li, Pingjian Yang, Li Luo, Lei Li, QiangWang*. Assessing the environmental occurrence and risk of nano-silver in Hunan, China using probabilistic material flow modeling [J]. Science of the total environment, 2019, 658: 1249-1255

[4] Ru Ding, Pingjian Yang, Yuan Yang, Zhaoguang Yang, Li Luo, Haipu Li, Qiang Wang*. Characterization of silver release from nanoparticle-treated baby products [J]. Food adittives and contanmiants part A, 2018, 2052-2061

[5] Wang Qiang, Li Lei, Long Chen-Lu, Luo Li, Yang Yuan, Yang Zhao-Guang, Zhou Yaoyu. Detection of C60 in Environmental Water using Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Micro-Extraction Followed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography [J]. Environmental Technology, 2018, 1-8

[6] Yang Yuan, Luo Li ,Li Haipu, Wang Qiang*, Yang Zhaoguang*, Qu Zhipeng, Ding Ru. Characterization and Speciation of Metallic Nanoparticles and Their Ionic Counterparts by Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Coupled to ICP-MS [J]. Talanta, 2018, 182: 156-163

[7] Luo Li,Yang Yuan ,Li Haipu, Ding Ru, Wang Qiang*, Yang Zhaoguang*. Size characterization of silver nanoparticles after separation from silver ions in environmental water using magnetic reduced graphene oxide [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612: 1215–1222

[8] Luo Li,Yang Yuan, Wang Qiang*,Li Haipu, Luo Zhoufei, Qu Zhipeng, Yang Zhaoguang*. Determination of 4-n-octylphenol, 4-n-nonylphenol and bisphenol A in fish samples from lake and rivers within Hunan Province, China [J]. Microchemical Journal, 2017, 132: 100-106

[9] Yang Yuan, Luo Li, Li Haipu, Wang Qiang*, Yang Zhaoguang*, Long Chenlu. Separation and Determination of silver nanoparticle in environmental water and the UV-induced photochemical transformations study of AgNPs by cloud point extraction combined ICP-MS [J]. Talanta, 2016, 161: 342-349

[10] Yuan Yang, Chen-Lu Long, Hai-Pu Li, Qiang Wang,⁎, Zhao-Guang Yang⁎. Analysis of silver and gold nanoparticles in environmental water using [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 563-564: 996-1007

[11] LONG Chen-Lu, YANG Yuan YANG, Zhao-Guang, Li Hai-Pu, WANG Qiang*. Determination of gold nanoparticles in natural water using single particle-ICP-MS [J]. J. Cent. South Univ, 2016, 23(7): 1611-1617

[12] Yang Yuan, Long Chenlu, Yang Zhaoguang, Li Haipu, Wang Qiang*. Characterization and Determination of Silver Nanoparticle Using Single Particle-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry [J]. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 42(11): 1553-1560

[13] Wang Qiang, Yang Zhaoguang, Yang Yuan, Long Chenlu, Li Haipu*. A bibliometric analysis of research on risk of engineering nanomaterials during 1999 – 2012 [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 473-474: 483-489

[14] Li Li, Wang Qiang, Qiu Xinghua, Dong Yian, Jia Shenglan, Hu Jianxin*. Field determination and QSPR prediction of equilibrium-status soil/vegetation partition coefficient of PCDD/Fs [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 276(15): 278-286

[15] Shenglan Jia, Qiang Wang, Li Li, Xuekun Fang, Yehong Shi, Weiguang Xu, Jianxin Hu*. Comparative study on PCDD/Fs pollution in soil from the Antarctic,Arctic and Tibetan Plateau. [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 497-498C: 353-359





上一篇:邱波 副教授